Isn’t motion design really just animation?

By Carlos El Asmar,

The terms “motion design” (or “motion graphics”) and “animation” are not mutually exclusive. A project can be described as both animation and motion design without damaging the integrity of either term.

Just as a hand-painted work of graphic design might also be a work of illustration or a VFX-laden film starring photoreal CG creatures might be construed as animation, motion design and animation can overlap to such a degree that distinctions between them become difficult.

This is good. We celebrate it, and we hope that The Motion Awards showcase a wide array of possibilities that have hitherto not had a dedicated spotlight.


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How do you define “motion design”?

By Carlos El Asmar,

We see motion design as the offspring of animation, graphic design and filmmaking.

Since Motionographer’s inception in 2006, we’ve exercised an expansive definition of motion design, feeling that it’s better to err on the side of inclusivity.

Having said that, each judge of The Motion Awards brings their own unique definition and perspective to the competition. That’s why they were chosen — to have a distinct viewpoint. Not all of the judges will agree on what constitutes a winning entry. That’s a good thing. It ensures diversity of opinion and allows for a more level playing field.


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