Keli Lucas

Keli Lucas is an expressionistic painter born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. As a student that later taught at NYC’s School of Visual Arts, she honed a deeper understanding of art and its place in not only history, but the human psyche across emotional spectrums. Her work focuses on depicting the soul behind the eyes of people who she feels enlighten her. She draws inspiration from the cacophony of light and color of the environment around her. Lucas has a unique ability to capture the emotions that make up the human experience with each brush stroke.
Beyond being featured in many art shows, she has been in creative publications such as WHITEHOT Magazine, Quiet Lunch Magazine, CREATIV Magazine, Le’tage Magazine, Nasty Magazine, Posture Magazine and more. Lucas has created murals for brands such as Pabst Blue Ribbon, The Notorious, Our Voice organization and the Sure We Can environmental organization and has worked with nonprofits such as The SAFE Foundation, Magen David of Manhattan, Our Voice organization, the Sure We Can environmental organization, Green County Council on the Arts, Reach For The Stars Learning Center for children with Autism and the Frida Kahlo Corporation at Miami Art Basel with the Mexican Government and The Rotery, a nonprofit organization dedicated to curing Polio.