Lorena Medina
Lorena Medina

Lorena creates innovative and engaging visuals. With a mix-media background that includes film, animation and in-camera effects, she focuses on unique, unconventional, powerful images constructed predominantly by blending these techniques to create strong visual narratives. She has a fresh style that combines authenticity with humor and a touch of edginess.
Awards: Cannes Lions, Ciclope, Berlin Intl. Short Film Fest., Paris Intl. Music Video Fest., ADC*E, El Sol, El Ojo de Iberoamérica, CdeC, ADC*E, Laus.
Selections: SXSW, One Show, BAFTA, European Independent Film Fest., European Independent.
Fashion Film Festivals Selections: Seattle, London, Maastricht, Brussels, South Africa, Miami, Mexico, Buenos Aires, Porto.
International Short Film Festivals Selections: Cannes, Chicago, Paris, Mallorca, Miami, Istanbul.
Jury: Eurobest, ADC*E, El Sol, LAUS.
Exhibitions: Short film ‘The No Name Horses’ was commissioned by MACBA (Museum of Contemporary Art of Barcelona).