Winner / TV / STREAMING | Title Sequence

Game of Thrones / Elastic

Category Description

Title sequence for a television or streaming series

Project Description

The original Season 1 main title was designed to educate the viewer and give context to the sprawling world of Westeros. A culmination of 9+ years of work, Season 8 Main Title is a completely new sequence of 6 unique opening credits which were re-concepted from the beginning to be much more narrative driven, providing the viewer with a new intimate experience than in years past. The final sequence explores the idea that there is more under the surface than previous seasons, that there is an interior and depth in terms of the layers that were only hinted at before. It's an intimate, micro view of what's going on. Storylines for the entire season were taken into account before production began, and allowed for creative implementations of plot driven concepts like flipping tiles, lights going out in the crypt for specific episodes and the destruction of Winterfell and King's Landing.


Post Production Design Studio:

Creative Director:
Angus Wall

Art Director, Head of 3D:
Kirk Shintani

3D Lead:
Ian Ruhfass

2D Lead:
Shahana Khan

Daniel Raschko, Maciek Sokalski

3D Artists:
Dustin Mellum, Ash Ogasawara, Bryan Cox, Joe Paniagua, Jose Limon, Michael Cardenas, Paulo deAlmada

Additional 3D Artists:
Ariana Ziae-Mohseni, Josh Dyer, Mike Dupree, Andy Wilkoff, Jose Olguin
Designer: Henry DeLeon
Previz: Jourdan Biziou

Design / Animation:
Henry DeLeon, Steven Do, EJ Kang

Concept Designer:
Rustam Hasanov

Rachel Fowler

Michael Ross

Executive Producer:
Luke Colson

Head of Production:
Kate Berry

Managing Director:
Jennifer Sofio Hall
